As My Mind Wanders

CCC #103

Beneath the rubble I could see bricks peeking through and my mind began to wander

Was there more underneath?

Perhaps an entire home was buried here

Who had lived here?

What had happened?

Perhaps it was an earthquake that rumbled years ago

Had the people survived?

Were their souls lingering here amongst the bricks buried beneath?

Written for Crimson’s Creative Challenge #103.

Published by Susan Zutautas

A Canadian girl, born in Montreal, mother of three grown boys that lives with her husband in Ontario. Published author and poet. Loves to write flash fiction. Author of New In Town and two children's books which can be found on Amazon.

10 thoughts on “As My Mind Wanders

  1. I like the way your mind works. I would have thought about the same stuff. My mind can be quite an entertaining place to visit. šŸ™‚ Obviously yours can be as well.

    Happy Wednesday, dear friend!

    Liked by 2 people

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