Wordle #206 – A Bad Fall

IneffableVale- the world, or mortal or earthly lifeSummitBootsAnkleWetGreyPainReflectWalkPine NeedlesExtend Written for Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie Wordle #206 Her boots were wet and had more than likely caused her to fall while walking down the summit. The pain was ineffable, and she was sure she had broken her ankle. Laying on a bed of pine needles Laura lookedContinueContinue reading “Wordle #206 – A Bad Fall”

A Wrong Turn

  The following was written for a Wordle challenge over at Midlovemisery’s Menagerie. Words for the wordle are as follows: 1. Bad 2. Turn 3. Cry 4. Learn 5. Thersitical- scurrilous; foul-mouthed; grossly abusive. 6. Ropes 7. Flail 8. Half 9. Trade 10. Distance 11. Fantasy 12. Purchase I had to make a purchase todayContinueContinue reading “A Wrong Turn”

Childhood Memories

This is written for Wordle #128.  Use all the words in the picture creatively. 1. 1960s 2. Insert 3. Rush 4. Tag 5. Unknown 6. Svelte 7. Temporize verb (used without object), tem·po·rized, tem·po·riz·ing. to be indecisive or evasive to gain time or delay acting. to comply with the time or occasion; yield temporarily or ostensibly to prevailing opinion or circumstances. to treat or parley so as to gain time (usually followed by with). to come to terms (usually followed by with ). to effect a compromise (usually followed by between ).   8. Complex 9. Curls 10. Heiligenschein (German for “halo” or “aureola”, pronounced [ˈhaɪlɪɡənˌʃaɪn]) is an optical phenomenon in which aContinueContinue reading “Childhood Memories”